Become The Best Version Of Yourself &
Your Light For Others
Do You Relate To These Common Struggles?

Do you feel a constant weight of judgment from others wearing you down?
Do you feel fear and self doubt have become your soul mates?
Do you feel like you’re the main juggling act in a circus? That’s referring to family, home business and everything else (the last sometimes feels the heaviest).
Do you feel a gaping hole of emptiness as your kids become more and more independent.
Overwhelming Emotions
Do you feel a constant weight of expectation or judgment from yourself or others?
Have fear and self doubt have become your soul mates?
Do you feel as if you’re the main act in a circus juggling family, home, business or career and everything else.
Do you feel burned out, lost and alone without a sense of direction?

Do you feel a constant weight of judgment from others wearing you down?
Do you feel fear and self doubt have become your soul mates?
Do you feel like you’re the main juggling act in a circus? That’s referring to family, home business and everything else (the last sometimes feels the heaviest).
Do you feel a gaping hole of emptiness as your kids become more and more independent.
Exhaustion & Lack of Identity
Do you feel as if you’ve stepped up to the expectations of marriage and family responsibilities for years? Now you struggle with who YOU are?
Do you wake up in the middle of the night and toss and turn? You’re exhausted but feel anxious and restless.
Have you lost your day dreams?

Do you feel a constant weight of judgment from others wearing you down?
Do you feel fear and self doubt have become your soul mates?
Do you feel like you’re the main juggling act in a circus? That’s referring to family, home business and everything else (the last sometimes feels the heaviest).
Do you feel a gaping hole of emptiness as your kids become more and more independent.
Do you feel you’re never enough Mom? Wife? Daughter?
Do you ever look in the mirror and don’t recognize the person looking back at you?
Do you feel a sense of emptiness?
Relationship Issues
If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, you’re not alone.
Life really can be better. I can help.
Hi there, I’m Bernice
Fulfillment Coach for Women
Are you stuck and don’t know where to turn? You don’t feel like the person you used to be. You’re plain old tired of feeling worn out and plaguing thoughts just won’t go away?
You’ve had enough of going to bed each night and waking up each morning (that is, if you do sleep through the night) with feelings of anxiety, unmet expectation or judgment. Fear and self doubt are depleting you of your energy and capacity to function, never mind, love. Maybe you can’t imagine a different life right now.
Would you ever think to ignore the well-being of your parents or child? Why wouldn’t you think the same for yourself too?
I feel your pain.
As a nurturing mom and partner, you give fully. In order to do that you need to discover who you really are and what makes you most alive at the deepest level. You need to be in love and at peace with yourself in order for you to experience true joy.
Trying to figure out how to do this on your own can be overwhelming. Maybe you’ve just brushed your thoughts aside feeling you shouldn’t feel the way you do. Maybe you have a heap of self help books. You avoid your pain hoping you’ll find a magical game changer in one of those books eventually.

Imagine yourself in five or ten years if nothing changes.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
You want more. You want to be the very best version of yourself so you can give freely to your career, your business, your aging parents, your family ... Our lives as women and moms are demanding but are also meant to be beautifully rewarding.
I understand what it feels like to be overwhelmed, never feeling I’m giving enough. I understand the feeling of guilt because of late night work and feeling like I was treating my kids as if they were a second priority. I also know what it’s like to suddenly wake up. I realized that years had slipped by along with financial security only to be replaced by despair and faded family and friend relationships. I also know the feeling of fulfillment and joy of embracing a life of passion to serve others.
Twenty years combined as a wife, mom, entrepreneur and certified coach have inspired me to create an approach to help you. It’s designed specifically for helping women, like yourself, embrace your strengths, your vitality and your inner spirit. Imagine the joy of feeling fully alive and present in life.
Find the Light Within You
You have the capacity and deserve to feel alive! This includes the ability to love both yourself and to love others. If this gets you even a bit excited, be assured that a great possibility awaits you. I’ve developed a process that will help you discover that light within you. Confidently create the life and relationships you desire and truly be the person that shines your light in the world.
Positive Outlook
Learn to make sense of and let go of the emotional chaos and beliefs that are holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself. Feel alive and at peace with who you are.
Vitality &
Find your inner source of strength and energy. Connect to your purpose that fuels you to live with passion and serve others.
Embrace loving relationships with your family and partner. Learn to love yourself completely so that you can live with a joyful and peaceful heart.